Saturday, May 26, 2012

A story - Sarah's version...

So, let me paint the picture…

It’s 2010.  May.  I’m living in newly wedded bliss, working for a nonprofit I love, and teaching violin a couple of times a week.

In general, life is pretty peaceful.

Until, BAM.

Zombie apocalypse.  (And me without a chainsaw.)

Or a chance in hell of survival. 

Until recently, my zombie contingency plan SUCKED.  Because, let’s face it, I would have been a pretty easy treat for some hungry zombie. 

I hadn’t run a mile since, oh, fifth grade 1st in Fitness.  One trip up the stairs left me winded.  5k walk? Fuggedabout it.

So running away from zombies?  Pretty much out of the question.

Thankfully, when my friend Shruthi has crazy ideas, I usually go along with them.  So, when she said, “Let’s join this running group!” I didn’t really question it.  (Honestly, if this had been any other person in the world I’da been all, “you’re nuts.”)

But, we signed up. Day one went like this…
Run about 6 minutes worth of Shelley Lake.  Walk the rest.  Go home.  Sleep ALL DAY.

Week 5 went like this…
Run 2 miles.  I don’t hate it.  Have fun hanging out with my friends.

Week 10 went like this…
Go downtown.  Run 3.1 miles.  Not feel like dying – like, at all.  Celebrate with brunch. (duh)

Month 9 went like this…
Drive to Jacksonville.  Run 13.1 miles.  Feel like dying, but also feel hella accomplished.  Celebrate with brunch.

Year 2 went like this…
Come back to group.  Be cheery as hell at 6 am to volunteer.  Love these women and this program.

So, in conclusion, if a zombie apocalypse happened today, I’d stand a fighting chance.  (Mind you, they have to be those slow, moany typed zombie, because while I can run long distances, I still can’t really run very fast.) 

Yeah, learning to run is intimidating, and scary.

But hey.  It’s better than being eaten by zombies.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome, love this entry! I got chills reading about your progress from Day 1 to Year 2. Running changes your life!
